Everything in sorghum can be processed

With sorghum, nothing is lost, it can all be processed
Sorghum is interesting for a number of reasons. It offers numerous markets (human food and animal feed, bioenergies, biomaterials, etc.) which, in addition, are not exclusive. A single sorghum crop provides grain for human food, soluble sugars can be extracted from the stem juices to produce ethanol, and stem residues (pulp) and leaves can be used in animal feed or energy production (co-generation or second generation biofuel).
The grain:
Sorghum grain can be used to produce foods for humans or animals, as well as first generation biofuels obtained from the conversion of starch.
The leaf:
It can be consumed in the form of silage for livestock or to produce cogeneration energies and second generation biofuels.
The stem:
Soluble sugars can be extracted from the stems to produce first generation biofuels by direct fermentation. Stem residue (pulp) can be consumed as forage by livestock, or used to produce cogeneration energies (simultaneous heat and electricity production), second generation biofuels or even transformed into paper or fertilisers.
The entire sorghum plant can be used to produce organic fertilisers and generate methane.
Information on human food markets. Download the guide.
Information on animal feed markets. Download the guide.
Information on agro-industrial markets. Download the guide.
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Euroseed at Prague and remotely

Yes, tannin-free sorghum exists.