European Genetics.
the reliable crop.

European genetics have every reason to be proud

“Star-sorghum refers to the range of sorghum hybrids offered by European seed companies.
It offers the best in genetics and the best in seed quality.”

The European selection’s 8 pillars.

 Yield and stability
 Early growth, as well as tolerance of low temperature during emergence and flowering
 Drought tolerance
 Lodging resistance, as well as its “stay green” character
 Disease resistance
 Predator resistance
 Grain quality: very low tannin content, grain colour and texture, starch content, grain health quality, etc.
 Forage quality: digestibility and food value, BmR character,
sugar content, etc.

Insist on star-sorghum! It has an exceptional seed quality.

(90% on average in the European Union)
– MAXIMUM MOISTURE 14% of the weight
– MINIMUM SPECIFIC PURITY 98% of the weight
(99% on average in the EU)

These very strict and minimum standards also apply for basic and pre-basic seeds.

Insist on Star-sorghum It is productive, profitable and sustainable.

A big thank you to European breeders who, for thirty years, have been producing high quality sorghum whose yields are progressing steadily.

Because this sorghum-star has the double merit of meeting all the criteria of the
animal feed manufacturers and of being productive, which encourages producers to cultivate it and secures supplies.

+1%/ yr* since 1990. That is the increase in yield generated by early- and semi-early hybrid genetics produced in Europe.
*example from France, source: Arvalis 2015

European varieties include something for every need.

The range of products available at the European level (EU and non-EU), is wide and diverse, whether in seed or forage, thus covering every outlet.

  • EU
  • Over 400 varieties registered
  • In seed and forage, composed of 95% hybrid and 54% plant renewal, since 2011
  • Non-EU
  • Approximately 400 varieties registered
  • In seed and forage, with very high renewal since 2014, especially with the improved-performance early hybrid solutions tailored to the continental climate

For the past 40 years, European sorghum has been tannin-free, as shown in the graph here under:

On this graph, each dot represents a European variety (in blue from 1980-1982, in red from 1989-1991 and in green, from 2010).

Two lessons can be learnt from the data above:
• There is a significant correlation
between tannin-content and the energy value of the finished product
• Since the end of the 1980s, European varieties are tanning-free

What are tannins?

Tannins (condensed) are polyphenols of vegetal origin. They precipitate proteins, forming enzyme-resistant complexes, that plant use as a chemical defence solution against pathogen germs and herbivores.



Insist on star-sorghum. It is tannin-free!

Sorghum has a reputation of having high tannin levels. This is an image handicap, as the presence of tannin in animal feed is a significant anti-nutritional factor in monogastrics. Thanks to the efforts of European breeders, for the past 40 years European sorghum has been devoid of tannins. And that whatever its colour. The « Tannin contents <0.3 » criterion is required to register any new variety. In practice, it means “tannin-free” as the presence of tannin acid is so weak that it has no impact on the animal feed quality.

Thanks to the varieties produced in Europe,
our sorghum is tannin-free.

Alexandre Calendreau is in charge of the Formulation Department at IDENA, a company whose business is formulating products for animal feed. According to him, if currently sorghum is not used more in animal feed, it is because there are still preconceived notions that no longer have a reason to exist, thanks to European genetics.



Insist on star-sorghum! It is not very sensitive to mycotoxins and GMO-free.

Sorghum is not attacked by borer insects, which are the gateway for fungi such as fusarium. In addition, the panicle and the grains being in the open air, the grain dries quickly which strongly limits the installation of Fungi.
Thanks to these characteristics, sorghum is safe from mycotoxins. In addition, it is GMO-free.

* Be careful, however, to harvest sorghum as soon as the grain is mature because if the harvest comes too late after the maturity of the grain, the development of mycotoxins can be significant.

Sorgho is the only grain of cereals

known to have starch in its teguments
(for varieties with thick pericarp)



They grow sorghum and tell us why

Profitability, diversification, input savings, quality of genetics, earliness, simplicity…
4 farmers tell us all about the many assets of sorghum

Others benefits

Showing respect forour environment. Sorghum the reliable crop.

Productivity. Sorghum the reliable crop.