Strengthening Links and Building New Networks


Sorghum ID is a dynamic organisation whose membership has increased from one year to the next. Its members exchange their views and experience regularly, during specific meetings, steering committees, general assemblies «but distance limits us and our meetings are often just online» Valérie Brochet, the organisation’s representative said. «Which is why we wanted to take this opportunity to organise a convivial moment with our members during the World Sorghum Conference in Montpellier».

Sorghum and Conviviality

On June 6th, Sorghum ID gathered all its members around an informal dinner, not too far from the conference venue. Of course, sorghum held an important place among the topics of discussion. The meeting allowed the participants to strengthen existing relationships and also welcome new members.

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Sorghum-ID Receives Two New Members

With Soufflet, sorghum is progressing in new departments