Sow in soil at less than 12 °C?



In each country, the experiment will be carried out with 4 different, early or very early varieties. In case of each of them, 3 sowing densities will be tested. We will thus be able to measure the impact of sowing under a tarpaulin with high densities.

If we get favourable results, these varieties will prepare the way for earlier sowing, especially for grain sorghum: good results would make possible to consider to harvest a few days or even a few weeks early. Thanks to these varieties we could harvest before October, a period during which rains can be very problematic. See you in a few months for the results!

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Call for posters

If you wish to have a presentation, you are kindly asked to submit your oral and / or poster communication requests before April 30

The 3rd European Sorghum Congress will take place on October 12 & 13, 2021 in Toulouse (France).