Sorghum and global warming in the news


The summer of 2019 was marked by a severe heat wave in many European countries. The mainstream media took hold of this news, with a question for the agricultural world: which crops are best adapted to global warming? Among the answers given: sorghum is in the spotlight.

We have seen sorghum …

    • And even in the France2 evening newshow, which gathers the highest audience

Its low needs in water and inputs, its ability to develop deep roots, its attractiveness for animals feed as a complement to other cereals, its capacity to expand its production in Europe … the many assets of sorghum have been taken up by journalists. This is proof that, for them too, sorghum has a solid future.

Continue ?

Sorghum continues its meetings and conferences.

800 000T. This is how much sorghum Spain has consumed since September 2018. This is 10 times more than in 2015!