1.5 times more! This is the price difference between sorghum and maize in the USA.


The rise in sorghum prices is mainly due to a combination of two factors:

  • Chinese demand for sorghum has been on the rise since April. China is a country to which US exports have been regular. However, in 2019, US sorghum production has fallen sharply: it was 8.7 MT compared to 9.3 MT in 2018. It is estimated that it will be 10.7MT in 2020.
  • At the same time, the price of maize is declining due to the prospect of record world production (the major producing countries, such as the USA and Ukraine, have significantly increased their acreage in 2020) and a significant reduction in ethanol production. This is the consequence of COVID 19, which has led to a drastic drop in ethanol consumption, which traditionally accounts for 40% of the outlets for American maize. With ethanol stocks at their highest level, maize prices are sharply depreciated.

Source : IGC, 28/05/2020

Keep in mind: usually, US farmers only grow sorghum if the price of sorghum is 1.1 times that of maize.

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