
Grain sorghum and fodder sorghum

Sorghum grain markets
Sorghum is the fifth most widely-grown crop in the world with over 40 million hectares.
It can be found on all continents and in both tropical and temperate zones. Just over 40% of this production is intended for human consumption, primarily in Africa and Asia, where it is eaten as a whole grain, like rice, in semolina and fl our (gluten free), or after transformation, in the form of sugar, or malted and fermented, as alcohol (beer, spirits, etc.).

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Varieties of fodder sorghum
There is a very wide variety of genetic types in fodder sorghum. Some varieties are harvested only once: these are so-called “single-cut” sorghums, which need 100 to 140 days of vegetation. Other varieties are harvested several times generally by mowing or pasturing, the fi rst cut coming 45 to 60 days after sowing: these are multi-cut sorghums. Fodder sorghum surfaces are estimated at 40,000 ha in the EU and 110,000 in Ukraine-Russia.

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