What’s new on www.sorghum-id.com ?

A rich website in continual growth.

The Sorghum ID website has been designed to provide exhaustive information on sorghum for professionals (farmers and processors) and for all those who want to know more about the crop. To help Internet users find the right answers to the questions they may have, we have structured our resource by topic:

  • In the Culture section: the productivity assets, environment, water and input savings
  • In the Outlets section: all the useful information on the possible uses of sorghum for animal feed, human food or industrial applications.
  • In the Agronomy section: all the advice you need to grow your crop successfully, from the choice of variety to the harvesting date, including weeding techniques and health protection.
  • In the News section: the latest information highlighting the vitality of sorghum and the dynamism of its actors.
  • In the Library: all the available documentation, such as guides, technical files, publications presented during the congresses, etc.

Very significant updates are currently in progress. First developed in French, they will then be deployed in all the other 11 languages.


Creation of the star-sorghum section

Star-sorghum refers to the range of sorghum hybrids offered by European seed companies. Its characteristic is to offer the best in genetics and the best in seed quality. Its qualities deserved a special section on the website, which has recently been created.

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1.5 times more! This is the price difference between sorghum and maize in the USA.

With Soufflet, sorghum is progressing in new departments