Trust star-sorghum


Sorghum grown from European genetics and production is the guarantee of a rigorous selection and excellent quality of seeds. Results: it is productive, profitable, sustainable and offers many outlets. We have to advertise it! This is done with the “star-sorghum” name that will be found in all of Sorghum ID’s communications. And as a start, with 2 posters aimed towards farmers and processors.


The star-sorghum communication will develop in all of Sorghum ID’s communication media to highlight the exceptional assets of this crop and its top-quality seeds. The star-sorghum label will therefore be present on the Sorghum ID website and in a collection of guides around specific topics: food outlets, animal feed, industrial outlets … As a beginning, two guides have been prepared, one for farmers and one for processors . They are available in 12 languages and can now be downloaded here:
Farmer, Demand star-sorghum.Manufacturer, Demand star-sorghum.

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The assets of sorghum in crop rotations.

Did you know? Sorghum can also be used as a cover crop